
Re: new site needs your point of view

In article <4j85fv$dpd@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Shankar  <Girija.Shankar@tus.ssi1.COM> wrote:
>>>in a sarcastic manner. It is certainly a discussion about Hinduism. 
>>Actually, it isn't. It's a discussion about discussions about Hinduism.
>And I thought a subset of a subset was still a subset of the superset.
>Girija Shankar,

The error lies in assuming that those things are subsets. Here's a
simple proof by counter-example:

Let's say that I'm discussing the Bhagavad Gita with someone. Now,
let's assume that someone else does a word count of my post and
replies with a message about the number of times the word "the"
occurred in the various paragraphs of my post.

Clearly, my discussion would be on-topic, whereas the second post,
which is a discussion about my discussion, would not be. So, either
your statement about subsets must be incorrect, or your application of
it must be incorrect. Since the statement seems to be correct, I can
only conclude that your application of it is wrong.


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