Re: Thuggs
>X-News: soc.religion.hindu:1999
>From: Raju <raju@umiami.edu>
>Subject:Re: Thuggs
>Date: 7 Mar 1996 18:42:47 GMT
>The concept of Thug originated during British times. The British wanted
>to portray our religion as diabolical and evil. This idea of thugs worshipping
>Kali serves their purpose quite well, don't you think. Remember, getting
>our history from British sources is like getting Jewish history from Hitler.
>Khuda Hafiz,
The British were not wholeheartedly against Hindu culture/ dharma. Many
of the social reforms were supported by the Britishers. (Widow Re-Marriage
Act of 1857 and Banning of the Sati.) History books written by Sir Jadunath
Sircar and his contemporaries illuminate those British personalities who
had helped / inspired him and his colleagues in meticulously pursuing the
investigations into Indian history and historical aspects of Hindu dharma.
If I recall correctly, the first book-form of Sree Gita was printed (or
published) in London. That the Europeans (read Britishers) had taken an
active interest in our heritage and culture is noteworthy. Earlier, if it
had not been for Shivaji and Rana Pratap, our Hindu heritage/ culture have
been no longer existent.
Historians like Will Durant (American), Arnold Toynbee (British),
H. G. Wells (British) had recorded the plight of the Hindus under the
torturous yoke of Islam. The destruction of temples and centers of
learning had been described in graphic detail by Will Durant in his
seminal work : THE STORY OF CIVILIZATION. Who destroyed the famous
Nalanda University ?
What I am trying indicate is that the British occupied our country but
they were not all hell-bent to designate Hindu culture/ heritage as
totally pagan etc. Yes, Miss Mayo (of Mother India fame) was a die-hard
anti-Hindu. But there were also personalities who were just towards us.
Lastly, the word " Thug " was truly coined by the British. Conan Doyle
uses the term " thugee " in his memoirs. (This word is similar to the one
used in Bengal - see Dhruba Chakravarti's post.) Thugs or thugees did
exist and they did worship goddess Kali. Many authors / novelists have
described this and no other than Tarashankar Bandhopadhyay (in his novel
" Thugee " ?).
It is however very debatable (as Dhruba points out) whether this was at all
a divine inspiration. (I think it was a myth.)
Also what if it they (thugees) did worship in that manner ? There are many
religions where the creeds are worse than Hindu culture/ religion.
>dchakrav@netserv.unmc.edu (Dhruba Chakravarti) wrote:
>>M.W.A. (moasghar@cua.pharm.lon.ac.uk) wrote:
>>With best regards,
- cheers,
deb chatterjee
(a good samaritan)