
Re: Vedic scholarship in India

In article <4hpq6t$8hv@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Sankar Jayanarayanan  <kartik@Eng.Auburn.EDU> wrote:

[*chomp*] -- much deleted.

I understand and approve Sri Jayanarayanan's concern for preserving
the oral traditions or Shruti-paramparas, on which the entire
foundation of Vedanta rests. However, perhaps it is as well to
recognize that Shruti-paramparas are actually sturdier than may be
realized at first, and that any service one attempts to perform must
be with a due degree with humility, rather than an attitude of `apres
moi, le deluge'.

>The only place in India that has any Vedic scholarship at all, I heard, is the
>Sringeri Math. There are three Upadhyayas(meaning "professor" in Sanskrit) and
>about fifteen students. Most of them are studying the Rg Veda.

This can't be right. I have myself come across more than three
full-fledged Advaitic scholars of the Vedas. More importantly, while
the Sringeri Mutt is no doubt doing laudable work by carrying on some
traditions of recitation, it is not by any means the only institution
that does so. Strong pockets of Shruti-recitation exist in the north
in Kashi, and in the south in Udupi and other places such as my
spiritual alma mater, the Poornapragna Vidyapeetha in Bangalore. I am
sure the Sri sampradaaya also has a non-zero contribution to make in
the continuing of such tradition although I couldn't tell you where
and how exactly.

One problem that exists is that many traditions of chanting are hidden
from view -- because they are not fashionable to discuss or know
about, they are not widely advertized or known, and one can easily
make the mistake of assuming they do not exist. This does not
constitute cause for complacency, and one must serve in any way one
can, but it does constitute cause for humility.

>there is almost none who knows the Vedas. The Maths established by Sankara,
>I hear, are in ruins in the North, East and the West. The one at Puri is
>almost empty. There is nothing going on there.

Is this right? Perhaps Vidya would care to fill us in.


Shrisha Rao


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