
Re: Vedaic Works

gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu (Giri) writes:

>be printed in sanskrit (Devangari) script using a postscript printer.
>They are available at
>       ftp://jaguar.cs.utah.edu/private/sanskrit/sanskrit.html
>The above site also contains a list of 108 "genuine" upanishhads, as given
>by Muktika upanishhad.
>Besides these, ganapati upanishhad is also available but not in ITRANS. and
>this upanishhad does not seem to "genuine" since it is not listed in the

        Sorry, my fault, the above should read :

Besides these, ganapati upanishhad is also available but not in ITRANS. and
the translation of kaula upanishhad is also available but
this upanishhad does not seem to "genuine" since it is not listed in the


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