
Power of the Divine Name- (was hogwash and vibrations, etc.

I had just finished sending the following discourse on the power of the 
Divine Name to a friend and then came across these discussions about 
vibrations and Mantras. I thought I would share it with you, although I 
know it is not going to change anyone's opinions. 

Please  keep in mind that this was not written by a hysterical, 
unlettered little Bhakta, but a renowned and respected Vedantic sage, 
Swami Sivananda, the founder of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh. 
He was also a very successful medical doctor before he took Sannyasa, 
so I don't think that anyone could accuse him of being a non-thinking 

I hope that you will enjoy the following little discourse and story, 
which is simple enough for a child and yet profound enough for the 
greatest sage.

The Divine Master on what He calls "Namapathy."

"When allopathy, homeopathy, chromopathy, naturopathy, Aurvedapathy and 
all other 'pathies' fail to cure a disease, the Divine Namapathy alone 
can save you. The Name of the Lord is a sovereign specific, a 
shut-anchor, an infallible panacea and a cure-all for all diseases. It 
is an ideal or supreme 'pick-me-up' in gloom and despair, in depression 
and sorrow, in the daily battle of life or the struggle for existence.

"There is a mysterious power in the Name. There is an inscrutable Sakti 
in God's Name! All the divine potencies are hidden in the Lord's Name.

"You can take this medicine of Name-Japa for curing any disease. You 
can administer this marvelous medicine to other patients also in your 
home or elsewhere. The real doctor is only the Lord, the physician of 
the three worlds. The Divine Name will eradicate the (main!) Disease of 
birth and death and bestow on you Moksha (Liberation or Immortality). 

"The son of the landlord of Meerut was seriously ailing. Doctors 
announced the case to be absolutely hopeless. Then the Bhaktas took the 
case in their hands. They did continuous Kirtan, day and night for 
seven days around the bed of the patient. On the seventh day, the 
patient himself stood up and began to sing the Name of the Lord. Such 
is the miraculous power of Sankirtan."

Yes - pray - pray - pray. Not for health, not for wealth, not for 
worldly loves and friendships - but for more Faith.
      (From the book, "Heart and Wisdom of Sivananda-Valentina" Vol. 3)

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