Re: Lots of hogwash!NOT!!!!!!
> In addition to that, how is it known that the world of experience is
> an illusion? Illusion is known only with reference to a higher
> reality. But once experience itself is denigrated wholesale, where is
> the higher reality that can show it to be illusion? Thus, experience
> does not prove illusion.
What if nothing else other than the Self is experienced, and then it is
seen that all "other" experience (any experience of duality) is an illusion?
> Can illusion be inferred?
If so, people could actually question the reality of their dreams
and then come to the conclusion that the dream is unreal.
> For a last alternative, suppose you have a scripture that declares the
> world to be an illusion. Now, is that scripture real or not? If it is
> thought to be not real, i.e., as illusory, its interpretation strikes
> at the roots of its own validity. If the scripture itself is real, as
> it must be for it to be meaningful, then the interpretation cannot be
> right, and the world cannot be illusory.
Not at all. It is very much possible that someone "perceives"
a book in his dream and reads a statement from the book,"This is an
illusion". The book has stated its own unreality, and the truth of this
statement is verified on waking up.
> Regards,
> Shrisha Rao