
Re: gAyatrI mantra: tradition

Well stated points. One must be of pure mind and body before undertaking
Gayatri Mantra japa. Luckily for Vaidik Brahmins like myself , the 
sandhyvandanam procedure is quite nicely laid out, so that the mental
and physical pre-preparation for doing the 'Gayatri mahamantra japam
karishye..' is a part of the sandhya pooja itself. I am not sure to what
extent these traditions have been passed on among other Hindus. 

But, essentially, as you pointed out , a pure mind and body is the
main prerequisite I feel. In a cassette I have on 'Yajurveda sandhyavandanam'
by the noted Vedic scholar Shri Hari Achutharama Sastry, he mentions that
Gayatri can be chanted by one and all. As far as I am concerned , if it
enhances your spiritual progress and brings you closer to 'stithaprajna' ,
then by all means, partake of the Sacredness of the mantra.


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