Re: Lots of hogwash!NOT!!!!!!
shrao@nyx.net (Shrisha Rao) wrote:
> Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu> wrote:
> > Many people, if not most, including advaitins do not understand what advaita
> > says by "jagat mitya". A good place to start would be dR^ik dR^ishya viveka.
> So what is the dR^ik dR^ishya viveka's definition of `jagat mithyA'?
> > So Kartik wins 2:1. Further, other than in the suutra bhaashhya
> > shaMkara does not ascribe a "special reality" to the waking state.
> I don't know what exactly "Kartik wins" and what the manner of keeping
> score is, but I'd say that these explanations have been rather
> insufficient, if I may say so without giving offense.
The post was more to "prove" that shaMkara has in other works held, the jaagrat
and svapna states to be identical. This was in response to Mani's assertion
that shaMkara says otherwise. Most of my post was about that. I was _not_
trying to give an exposition of advaita. I'll try to write up my thoughts on
advaita sometime this summer (hopefully). The "Kartik wins" was merely a
comment that shrii shaMkara has adopted the position of "equivalence" of the
svapna and the jaagrat state in two other works of his. There was recently a
discussion on the criteria used for judging shaMkara's works and I think they
are mostly way off. It only strengthens my suspicion that many of these
Indologists are looking at advaita from a "paper publishing" point of view.
Meanwhile, maybe you should read the upadeshasaahasrii, before pointing flaws
from it based on my random selection of verses. It's held by even the
western scholars as a genuine work.
As far as what dR^ik dR^ishya viveka says, it would be better to read that than
criticize it based on my exposition of it. It has only 46 verses. Other than
that I can only request you to be patient till I finish writing up my thoughts
on advaita. But you may to a wait for a while though :-).
Two monks were arguing about a flag. One said, "The flag is moving." The other
said, "The wind is moving." The sixth patriarch happened to be passing by. He
told them, "Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving." - The Gateless Gate