Re: HSC and women
>If the shudras and women are
>incapable of attaining salvation and not worthy of salvation
>then how is it that the saivaite saints obtained salvation.
1) This statement does not imply that you have said that
women and shudras are incapable of attaining salvation.
It is a comment on the attitude of shankara. If they are
not worthy of reciting the vedas (they are walking crematorums and
the likes..) then certainly they cannot be worthy of salvation.
2) Statements like these in the Brahma sutra are at odds with
the concept of a soul or jiva atma without measure (sex ,caste shape...).
They are at odds with the Hindu practice of worhipping Krishna
(the low--caste God) and Lalitha (Devi Ubasagam , the woman God).
3) The statement that the Hindu religion does not alllow women to
recite the vedas... will be true if and only if it is the word of
God that they cannot do so. Not the word of a human.
This does not mean that all his philosophies are incorrect. Point
is that shankara is still capable of making mistakes (albeit rare).
Analysis and reasoning of the philosophies is needed before accepting
their truths and myths.
> This will be my last posting on this topic.
No personal flames were intended. This will be last on the same topic.