
On Mantra - was Lot's of Hogwash...

[Much clipped]
>It is the meaning/message etc contained within these that are more
>important then the rest of the mumbo-jumbo.

>Come on if there was really somuch power within these mantras, then
>surely we would have been in a far better state then we are in today.
>After all there must be millions of people who over the ages have been
>following the rules for reciting them - what good has it done to the
>society - one word comes to mind - never mind!

"Never mind" is two words. :-)

The masses are never helped by the spiritual practices. It is only the 
individuals who achieve anything because it requires a certain amount 
of talent and dedication. For every musician who can give concerts, 
there are thousands who tried but could not make it. It is the same 
thing with the repetition of the Divine Name. Look for the individual 
sages and saints of all religions, who have either realized God or been 
greatly purified through the repetition of the Mantra.  

The following is what a great modern Sage, who realized God through the 
Divine Name, had to say about the Power of the Mantra. I hope that it 
will give you something to think about.


Words possess tremendous power (Sakti). By words you can encourage and 
cheer up others. By words you can give greatest happiness to others. By 
words you can ruin or displease others. By words the Master imparts his 
knowledge to the disciples. By words the mother trains the children. By 
words the orator keeps the audience spell-bound. Word is Brahman or God 
in manifestation, Be careful in the selection of your words. Understand 
and realize the power of words and become wise."
	(Swami Sivananda)
Mantra is a holy Sanskrit word of tremendous spiritual power, The Sakti 
energy, divine force, permeates a Mantra because it was originated, 
cultivated, and sacredly repeated by great Saints and Sages, whose 
vibrations are vital and living through and in the Mantra. Japa is 
repetition of Mantra and in general - of the Name of God.

First let us understand that the word Mantra means "a sacred word." 
Now, why should a sacred word, preferably be uttered in the ancient 
language which is not used in daily life? Because the ancient language 
was in the very beginning of Creation. You remember how the fantastic 
Gospel of St. John starts: "In the beginning-there was the Word and the 
Word was with God and the Word was God." And the word was OM. Those who 
have the ears - let them hear! The most ancient, therefore, the most 
potent of all languages is Sanskrit, Then comes Egyptian, Greek, 
Hebrew, Latin. Even in Russian prayers the modern Russian is replaced 
by the ancient Slavic - the language of the first Saints of this 
country. You see, - words are powerful vibrations and certain words 
emanate majestic aura of Saintliness and Truth. Those are the only 
words which are suitable for Mantra or Japa Yoga.

Now let the Sat Guru tell you: "Mantra Yoga is an exact science. A 
Mantra is divinity encased within a sound structure. It is Divine Power 
or Daivi Sakti manifesting in a sound body. 

"The Sacred Mantra or the Divine Name is the vital Symbol of the 
Supreme Divinity directly revealed in the innermost depths of Divine 
Communion to the Sages of Self-Realization in the hoary Vedic and 
Upanishadic times. These symbols are in the nature of unfailing keys to 
gain access into the transcendental realms of absolute experience.

Sounds are vibrations. They give rise to definite forms. Each sound 
produces a form in the invisible world and combination of sounds create 
complicated shapes.

"The repetition of the Mantra (is known as Japa) - has a mysterious 
power of bringing about the manifestation of Divinity. just as the 
splitting of an atom manifests the tremendous forces latent in 
it."	(Swami Sivananda)
	* * *
I have stressed emphatically that the Name is a Sacred Force. Even if 
you repeat it automatically. it establishes a purifying rhythm and a 
protecting "shell". Yet there should be an inner background for it. By 
this I mean an intelligent. earnest understanding of the Cosmic Truth 
as well as an intuitive perception of the Cosmic Vibration. For that is 
what the "Name" is - a sacred. mysterious vibration of Gods.

Christian Scriptures refer to the God's Power (Sakti) as a WORD. At 
times as the 'Holy Ghost' which means a sacred, holy, subtle as the 
'ghost' vibration which is the Author of everything that lives. The 
'Amen' of Jews and Christians is also a 'Name' - it is the sacred Om or 
Aum of the yogi. 'Vibratory Energy' is acknowledged even by material 
science which discovered a fraction of the Truth which so fully is 
perceived by all saints of all ages. Thus, what the yogi knows as the 
'NAME' is very, very sacred and should never be used in a parrot-like 
manner. Christ warned about it, forbidding to take the Name of the Lord 
in vain.

To perceive this awe-inspiring Name (vibratory sound) - is to live a 
Cosmic Life. To say Rama and to ecstatically feel THAT which words fail 
to express - is to be in the vibration of God. Chanting of the Name and 
listening to your own voice is useless. If you chant and become minus 
body, minus human voice, in short - minus egoity - you are invoking the 

You stop thinking while chanting or mentally chanting the Name and 
experience Bliss Divine - you are in the Name!

 The factual Cosmic motion is so subtle, so grand, so intelligent, that 
it is unperceivable by human ears or human mind and un-utterable by 
human tongue. One can perceive this Divine Force only through the 
highest Intuition or super-conscious awareness.

The gradual development of this superconscious awareness comes through 
faithful REMEMBRANCE. Whatever gives you re-newal of consciousness, 
whatever purifies you - that you ought to remember daily and nightly. 
And, on the background of this, you ought to repeat the Name 
prayerfully, dedicating it to the best you know. First, you think and 
repeat intellectually but gradually you perceive intuitively. The 
latter is the result of general great purification. The fascinating 
fact is that the Name purifies and accelerates liberation, but... the 
"but" of it is in how earnest and faithful you are to the great 
Principle - to this Cosmic Sakti which is the Life-Fountain of all 
sounds. vibrations - Life.  

For more of the spiritual Teachings of Sivananda-Valentina, see our web 
site at http://lightsv.org/

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