Re: Lots of hogwash!NOT!!!!!!
shskambh@reading.ac.uk (C. Kambhampati) wrote:
>JBhardwaj (shring@interlog.com) wrote:
>: Prabhu Ambatipudi <pxa@netline-fddi.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
><...some lines deleted....>
>Come on if there was really somuch power within these mantras, then
>surely we would have been in a far better state then we are in today.
>After all there must be millions of people who over the ages have been
>following the rules for reciting them - what good has it done to the
>society - one word comes to mind - never mind!
Firstly "never mind" is two words.
Secondly I suggest that you read some Hindu literature or consult your
guru before you make rash such statements.
Partially or superficially your statements are correct. There is
definately a certain emotional appeal to mantra's. However, to say
that is the extent of thier power is totally WRONG. To say that is the
extent that you have experienced them may be more accurate.
Under Hinduism it is well known that this so called real world that we
experience is totally an illusion. Everything we experience is a
manifestation of our senses and conditioning. It is not really as it
truly is. Ask a person that is colour blind to discribe to you the
colour red. Or the difference between red and blue. In fact there is
no such thing as red or blue. Those are products or our senses and
brain. They are interpretations. The colour blind person's
interpretation, though different from ours is still valid.
However, at a none sensory level all that red and blue are, is
vibrations. All anything is, is a vibration. We experience certain
frequencies in different ways. Some are sounds others are colours and
yet others are touch etc.
Hindu scriptures state that the most basic truth about the universe is
vibration. Everything is a vibration. The reality of the universe is
vibrational. Before anything else there was a vibration that was Om.
This is the most primordial and basic vibration.
In that light is it really possible to say that mantra's have no
power. They are the very foundation embodiments of power. When they
are chanted either vocally or in the thunderous silence of the
meditative mind they introduce vibrations into the field of reality.
They can have direct effects on the body, physiologically or
phycologically. But that is not all. Once introduced they effect
everything around us. They change the very state of the universe
around us.
They create harmonics and literal music in the feild of the universe
around us. And they strenghten or propogate a beneficial energy
(vibration) that we are seeking. The gAyatri mantra is one such
vibration - it is one of the most beneficial. It is one of the most
primordial energies in the universe. And like all vibrations it is
attracted to and enhanced by itself. Thus chanting it can propogate
the enrgy to you or enhance that same energy by giving it more power.
However, just as some sound waves cancel or distort each other the
gAyatri mantra vibration my be destructive. It can cause distortion or
negation. Thus unless you are already in a certain harmony with it
chanting the mantra may in fact distort or negate your own reality.
Imagine the power if everyone on earth chanted the gAyatri matra at
the same time. It would change the very nature of the planet and world
around us.
Mantra's work at both a so called real level and spiritual level.
Once all illusions are stripped away all that is left is in fact
Mantra or vibration.
This concept is hard to visualize and thus understand, but it is true
nonetheless. You must stripe away your sensory perception of reality
and try to see it for what it really is (that is in fact the search
for truth).
And that is the main difficulty. That is why only Dandi Swami's,
ShankAchaariay's and Maharishi's etc. have really experience and
attain this true perception. To let go of our senses totally, to try
to experience the unverse with out our senses and brain is almost
This is not attempting to negate the so called real world. Because the
real world is still there, but our perception of it is not real. It is
filtered and modified.
Thus Mantra's do have power. They are far more real than this real
world. They function at a far more subtle and primordial level than
simple sensory perception. To truly understand them you must
understand a far more subtle reality.
Science, in fact, agrees with this view. As time passes Hinduism is
beginning to sound more and more like physics.
I suggest you try some meditation techniques. There are many TM
centre's that teach meditation techniques in line with Hindu methods
and there a many many books available that are very good. However, the
best method of all is to find a guru willing to impart this knowledge
on to you. It is far more personal and an excellent experience.