
Re: Kalki

   The Kalki avataar will appear in the 'chathush-paadam' of the Kali Yuga.
We are only in the 'Prathama-paadam', or first portion of this yuga, which
in total lasts 432,000 years. 
    The 'Bhavishya Puraanaa' states that the Avataar will appear in a 
Brahmin family in a village in Uttar Pradesh. The village name is also 
indicated in the Puraanaa.
     Probably no need to worry right now ! But even so, it is all part of
the 'shrushthi.' When we lose attachment to the body and the material
surroundings, then the transitions between life and death become trivial,
as we have been on this journey for some time, and will continue to be until
we are advanced enough for spiritual liberation.


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