Re: prophecy fulfilled homepage
Joel Smith <YYZA05A@prodigy.com> wrote:
>I have recently posted a "prophecy fulfilled" homepage at
>Please check it out and let me know what you think.
> -Joel in Southern Illinois
Dear Joel,
Your web page is a thinly veiled advertizement for the
Bahai faith, including a "How to become a Bahai" link.
However, while your sincerity is obvious, and For a non-Bahai
I am reasonably familiar with the Bahai faith and have great
respect for it, I am simply not sure if s.r.h is an appropriate
platform for this.
>I'm presently developing a Hindu prophecy fulfilled section
>of this homepage. Could anyone here supply me with some
>Hindu prophecies?
Since you don't even know what those prophesies are, I find
it amusing that you want to claim that Bahaullah's appearance
fulfills ancient Hindu prophecies.
Seriously, you should read the Bahai literature where most of
this work has already been done. Bahai conversions in India
shot up dramatically after Bahais announced that Bahaullah was
Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Vishnu. I'll let someone else
explain to you what all that means. It is possible that the
Bahai literature distributed in the West does not mention this
point which is why you seem to be ignorant of it.
Personally I wish all of us would always strive for wisdom,
not cleverness, in matters spiritual.
With best regards,
Anil Trivedi