Re: Ancient Stories & Wisdom - Talks in Maryland
To: Ankush Agarwal <kagarwal@wam.umd.edu>
Subject: Re: Ancient Stories & Wisdom - Talks in Maryland
From: "Sailesh D. Khetia" <S.D.Khetia-93@student.lut.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 15:01:24 GMT
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: Loughborough University of Technolgy
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Ankush Agarwal wrote:
> Why are Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva blue in color?
> What is the meaning behind the Sudarshan chakra, conch, lotus flower and
> mace which Lord Vishnu is holding in four hands.
> What is the significance behind Radha being older than Krishna?
> Why does Lord Ganesha have a missing tusk and a mouse as a friend?
> Why does Goddess Lakshmi sit on the flower floating on water whereas
> Goddess Saraswati sits on a stone holding a veena?
> Many questions arise and when you listen to these answers they are so
> amazing, so deep, so beautiful.
Great job! Any chance of getting answers on the net ? I wouild love to
read answers..
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