
Re: Christian hate literature on Hinduism

> I came from India to the US a year back, and all these years, in India,
> I never realized how lucky I was to have been raised in a religion /
> culture which did not force any thing upon you. No one ever called me
> a non-hindu just because i missed going to the temple, or because I
> did not say my prayers everyday !!

Well as a Christian I really admire the flexibility of Hinduism, it is 
a fact that Christianity is in general less flexible. However believing 
that Christian dogms say that you should go to church every sunday is a 
myth which has no value (practically and theologically). Even during the 
middle ages in was considered to be a sin not to go to church but only 
if not for more than one month. All this is now outdated => i'm not 
saying that you meant that, just making an observation.  

But i disagree for one thing : being a follower of a Religion means more 
than a simple "tokenization". The problem with Hinduism is that it is 
supported by a whole culture (for example it is easy to claim that the 
Mahabharata is both a cultural, historical, AND religious book)and the 
distinction is not easy to make : the question is : are you "culturally" 
a Hindu (which could even include having a picture of Ganesha at your 
home) or "spiritually" (which means performing Pujas and some kind of 
regular practice, not because you are "forced" but because you believe).


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