
Re: Christian hate literature on Hinduism

Greetings all and Dhruba,

: I have read a few of these books.  There are too many of them, generally 
: each a shining example of pure hate and sham scholarship. They come in 
: every form.  I would like to have an extensive list of such books.  If 
: you know of some of these books, please list them on this thread.  Perhaps, 
: we can appeal to these authors to stop exhibiting their grasp of Scriptures.

The problem with Christianity is that it is an exclusive religion.  I am 
a former Christian activist and extremist.  The Bible itself says that 
the Christian cannot follow Christianity and another faith.  It further 
says that Christians should attempt to persuade non-Christians to 
Christity.  Yes, I have just said that most people calling themselve 
Christians aren't following Christianity; if you desire Christian 
Biblical proof, I can give book, chapter, and verse, altough it may take 
some time any more.

With Christianity coming out of an exclusive and (mostly) extremist 
background, slander of other relgions should be expected.  With the 
Europeans coming being so euro-centric, racism and relgious prejudice 
should be expected.  (Although Europeans are no more euro-centric than 
Indians are indo-centric, they're just more aggressive and militarily and 
economically stronger.)

I was reading one book, by Joseph Campbell, I think, supposedly on Asian 
religions, and covered Egyptian, Hindu, Chinese, and Japanese relgions.  
With the Egyptian relgion, it got into a lot of the burial practices, but 
chose to emphasize the "habit" of burying some alive and de-emphasized 
the heiroglyphics and other relgious aspects.
	In Hinduism, it merely reinterated and redescribed how Hinduism 
had previously had human sacrifice and included a few quote from Sri 
Ramakrishna.  It never mentioned the "trinity".  It never mentioned karma 
or transmigration.  It never mentioned the Vedas, the Mahabharata, or the 
Ramayana.  I through the book out because of the writers prejudice.

Oh well, that's all.  Enough of my rant.



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