
Re: Power of the Mantra


   I was reading recent discussions on Mantra and Gayatri. Just
   wanted to write what I knew from a book sometime ago :

   What is Mantra :  mantanAth  trAyatE  iti  mantra: 

   That means "Mantra  is something that saves you just by saying it".
   One can easily argue about the sincerity and commitment in belief
   for one to realize the effect.

   What is gAyatrI :  gAyanAth trAyatE iti gAyatri:

   That means "gAyatri is something that saves you by singing it"

   Again, the belief and commitment are essential.

Subba Rao.

            Subba Rao V. Majety
      PhD Student, Dept. of Indu. Engg.

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