Re: Looking for books on great Hindu Bhaktas
gururj@erols.com (Gururajan Ramachandran) wrote:
>I am looking for books in English about the life stories
>of the great Hindu Bhaktas such as Tukaram, Ramdas, Purandaradasa,
>Thyagaraja, etc...
>If you know of any, could you give me the title as well as the
>address of the publisher so that I can obtain the book?
>Thank you.
Get in touch with South Asia Books, Box 502, Columbia MO 65205. They
are the US distributers for Motilal Banarsidas, Indological
Publishers, headquartered in Delhi. Ask South Asia Books for a
catalog. They say they have access to 5,000 books.
Hari bol.