
Re: Christian hate literature on Hinduism

Santhosh Kumar wrote:
> : The problem with Christianity is that it is an exclusive religion.  I am
> : a former Christian activist and extremist.  The Bible itself says that
> : the Christian cannot follow Christianity and another faith.  It further
> : says that Christians should attempt to persuade non-Christians to
> : Christity.  Yes, I have just said that most people calling themselve
> : Christians aren't following Christianity; if you desire Christian
> : Biblical proof, I can give book, chapter, and verse, altough it may take
> : some time any more.
> :
> "A wishing tree" by Christopher Isherwood, relates his
> experiences with the Sunday religion( as he calls Christanity)
> and the Vedanta teachings. The book criticises the
> religious passivism and the narrow concept of orthodoxy
> followed by the Church. The author was formerly a
> Christian, until he met one of the
> friends of Aldous Huxley and later Huxley himself.
> regards,
> Santhosh

I am a Roman Catholic and I maintain that there is much to learn from 
Eastern ways. I firmly believe there is a healthy lesson to be learned
from meditation in saying our prayers. I do not particularly feel 
comfortable evangelizing Christianity to Hindus as I believe Hinduism is
a sacred and holy religion unto itself. By, the way, can anyone here
point me to any web pages that refer to Yogananda?? I found Autobiography
Of A Yogi" extremely inspiring. Thank you in advance!

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