
Re: Red Mark on Forehead - corrections

Both MEN And WOMEN can wear the Bindi/Tilak.

It is worn at any time. In India and UK little children (boys and girls)
wear them. 

Men usually only wear it at ceremonial times. However women wear it as
a decorative. It is very attractive (no?).

I can't give a true meaning to its purpose. But I do know that it is situated 
at the Ajna Chakra (the penultimate chakra).

Please, can someone post a DHARMIC and MEANINGFUL explanation of it.

For those of you who are not Hindu, let me explain one thing. After MANY 
MANY years of Invasions by many cultures, Hinduism has survived by assimulating
these cultures descriptions of our rituals etc. Lest we have our heads chopped 
off or tortured etc.

-delash-		delash@cs.man.ac.uk
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