Re: Kalki
It is considered bad netiquette to *post* a request for information while
asking that the information be e-mailed back; the inference is that your
time is more valuable than that of those who would try to "inform" you.
I.e., they should be bothered to distill & expound a great deal of
knowledge/information, while you can't even be bothered to come back &
look for it--where you asked for it in the 1st place!
(Also, your post is *7 pages wide*, which doesn't particularly make you
look like you know what you're doing. Sorry.)
As to the subject matter of your post, Lord Kalki's arrival is
specifically predicted in the _Shrimad- Bhagavatam_, including His
parents' names & the fact that he will appear in what we now know as
Bihar [aka Behar], India.
By the dating information given, it is clear that His appearance is many
thousands of years away. When He appears, the planetary situation will
be spiritually & materially horrible (even worse than today): severest
persecution of devotees, physical stature of humans reduced to
pygmy-like, rampant cannibalism including eating one's own children, etc.
Clearly, bad as things are these days, we are not living in Lord Kalki's
Without directly insulting specific persons, anyone presenting themselves
as an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead should be assumed
to be a liar and a cheat until (ha!) proven otherwise.
I don't know anything about >the Kalki that is supposedly here,< other
than the fact that he (not He) is mentioned nowhere in revealed
scriptures--which is where we should look for confirmations of divinity.
The deities of Lord Ganesh are also not mentioned in scripture as
drinking milk, etc. However Lord Ganesh is ceratinly powerful enough to
perform many wonderful miracles if he desires.
But there is no reason to jump to the conclusion that any miracles
indicate any change in the cosmic timetable mentioned in _Shrimad-
Bhagavatam_ and elsewhere.
Hare Krishna.
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