Re: Christian hate literature on Hinduism
GERALD J. LA CORTE (l23@hopi.dtcc.edu) wrote:
: Greetings all and Dhruba,
: : I have read a few of these books. There are too many of them, generally
: : each a shining example of pure hate and sham scholarship. They come in
: : every form. I would like to have an extensive list of such books. If
: : you know of some of these books, please list them on this thread. Perhaps,
: : we can appeal to these authors to stop exhibiting their grasp of Scriptures.
: The problem with Christianity is that it is an exclusive religion. I am
: a former Christian activist and extremist. The Bible itself says that
: the Christian cannot follow Christianity and another faith. It further
: says that Christians should attempt to persuade non-Christians to
: Christity. Yes, I have just said that most people calling themselve
: Christians aren't following Christianity; if you desire Christian
: Biblical proof, I can give book, chapter, and verse, altough it may take
: some time any more.
"A wishing tree" by Christopher Isherwood, relates his
experiences with the Sunday religion( as he calls Christanity)
and the Vedanta teachings. The book criticises the
religious passivism and the narrow concept of orthodoxy
followed by the Church. The author was formerly a
Christian, until he met one of the
friends of Aldous Huxley and later Huxley himself.