
Re: Tale and the SRH-reorg (Was: Re: Charter changes?)


On 12 Jul 1996, Vivek Sadananda Pai wrote:

> In article <qumbuhmi0d7.thoron@cyclone.Stanford.EDU>,
> Russ Allbery  <rra@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
> >> Cause and effect - the long gaps once again are killing the traffic.
> >
> >What's the current delay between submission and posting for SRH?
> Pick a week, and the delay ranges from one day to one week.

Anotyher untruthful claim based on untruthful and perhaps intentionally skewed
statistics, compiled during the first 2-3 months of the operation of

As most of the netters who are regular readers of this newsgroup who do not 
have petty political vendetta well know, we did have some delays due to 
major hardware upgrade, and manual re-direction of alt.hindu articles.

Since December, we have taken several steps to address this problem, 
including having two back-up accounts (total 3 posting accounts). I would 
like to point out that SRV has no publicly known moderation accounts.

Our posting frequency is 4-6 times a week, consistent with newsgroups 
with similar traffic patterns, of course this moderator cannot do much if 
the articles show up on his site at Netcom, but not elsewhere (due to 
Netcom posting problems) and assume that the articles have indeed propagated
through the USENET system.  And even then we multiply posted the articles 
from 2 sites for over a month...

No truly honest observer of this newsgroup will bring the accusation of 
delay in moderation since December, when the things finally settled after 
the creation of the newsgroup.

Additionally, I do have a time-stamped original e-mail from December to 
now, and posting dates, for any honest observer to verify.

But I believe that those interested in personal vendetta and petty 
politics would care less about these...


ajay shah

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