
Re: India: A Country of Beggars

In Article<ghenDuGMCx.BAo@netcom.com>, <kartik@Eng.Auburn.EDU> write:
> It is too sad that Indians still believe that the "Indians" who've migrated 
> the USA can be of any help at all to India. About 90% (this is a 
> estimate: it might actually be higher) of the Indians who make America their 

> home don't lift a finger to help India. Most are interested only in their 
> cosy lives. Of those who do help, only help financially. "Don't wanna soil 
> hands!".

My two cents:
One should not under-estimate the value of monetary help. That helps brothers 
and sisters get educated, helps get sisters married, helps put food on the 
table and helps keep parents off the streets. If every Indian in US helps 
their family (extended family I mean) that IMO is a significant contribution. 
Knowing the conditions in India, there is no social safety net to speak of for 
the middle class and lower middle class. The monetary help is also largely 
responsbile IMO for the booming real estate market in many cities in India.

Everybody does not have to go back and start a factory or compete for the few 
lucrative jobs. Others help thru the charitable organizations etc.

An analogy might help - a well-man helping a sick-man by staying healthy and 
performing whatever healing and nourishing he is able to do instead of getting 
into the same bed which would result in having two sick men!

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