
Re: SRH "moderation appeals committee" flaws


In an eloquent manner, vivek@cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai) elucidated:

>This is the problem with the current "moderation appeals committee" -
>they can only accept articles, not determine which articles should
>be accepted or rejected. The committee apparently has no power to
>define the charter, and repeated attempts in the past to clarify
>points of the charter were stonewalled by the moderator.
>In my personal opinion, only one small part of that article had
>anything to do with Hinduism...

Here is another great example of the "anything goes" moderating on SRH.

The following message just appeared TODAY on SRH.

NOTE that it is asking for information on WICCA and "Wicca-like philosophy",
NOT HINDUISM.   For some reason, the author was confused enough to think that
he had the right newsgroup !   The moderator's policy of "if it has words, it
must be relevant" was clearly in force here:

PS   Duh, Hindus have "their own book", too!  Duh.....


From: prize@internetland.net (Meri)
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Subject: please read this guys I am trying to HELP the newcomers.
Date: 15 Jul 1996 21:11:48 GMT
Organization: Corporate Communications
Lines: 45
Approved: ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu
Message-ID: <4sec6k$cla@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu
Originator: editor@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu
Xref: news.iadfw.net soc.religion.hindu:3256

I have heard a lot of beginners request book lists for information.  There are

a lot of books out there to aid them.  What I would like to do is request from

you all your favorite books for beginners.  (Does not have to be on just wicca

or even religion in particular.  Spirituallity books are fine)  Later I would 
like to get a list of more advanced books on not just Wicca but Wicca-like 
philosophy.  But my server only holds 4 meg of space for me and that is it!!!

So could you all email me with your favorite BEGINNER books and I will put
in a dB in Paradox to send to anyone I find on the usenet asking for books?  
The format will just be an attachment so they will not have to use Paradox to 
view it.  Please do not post them on the usenet because I do not want to be 
responsible for flooding!!!!  And  I hope I have not bit off more than my 
server can chew in just beginner books either!!! lol

So, if you could provide me with the following info and anything else on the 
books you want to send I can provide this service for all newcomers to the 

I will of course provide this information to askers on the usenet for free.
Title of Book:
Subject:  (a short synapsis of the book)
Religion: (Wiccan, christian, Buddist, etc.  If it is on general spirituality 
just OTHER will be fine)
Publishers Address:
Publishers Phone #:
Price as of (what date?)
Additional Comments on the book:
Send me as many as you want to and I will enter them all but PLEASE only books

that are related to beginning level situations at this time.  (Actually
this kind of scares me!  {And probably my server if he knew!! lol} I dont know

what kind of response I am going to get!)

Thanks in advance and Blessed Be, (I am sorry for the Xposts, I do not want to

spam or anything, but i just want the information to be as diversified as 
possible.  And no I did not include any christian news groups, They have their

own book!!!! <SMILE>)



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