
Re: SRH Reorg FAQ

GOPAL Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana wrote:

> why this speculation as to what Vivek has in his mind, unless you want
> to *use* this opportunity to make disparaging comments about him?

Nice. But why the speculations about my intentions? First, try to follow what
you preach about speculating. Vivek Pai has regularly shown his antipathy for
shaivas in this group. In another post some time back, he claimed that brighu
muni delivered polemics against shaivas (in the bhagavatam) because they were
meat eaters and wine drinkers, conveniently implying that all shaivas do so.
When I pointed out otherwise and cited examples, there was no reply. This is
his standard method, deliver innuendos and give convoluted justifications
later. There are more examples of such behavior, mind you. Frankly, I am not
very keen on any reorg effort which includes such people. 

> >I voted YES for srv and hardly care if some vaishnavas consider themselves
> >hindu or not (though the mind boggles at such a possibility). However, I am
> >against the RFD for other reasons I have already cited, for which I received

> it is understandable if you are against the reorg proposal, since
> *any* proposal can not satisfy *all*  the readers. it would be naive
> if any of the proponents consider the proposal to be *without*
> some level of opposition. and i am not aware of any proponent being
> so naive.

I never claimed that a re-org proposal would satisfy everyone (nor did I hint
that it should), and it would be quite naive to speculate otherwise.
Speculation again, eh? My points were against the repeated assertions that the
re-org is a good move.

> what bothers me is that instead of deciding whether *majority* of
> readers consider the proposal as useful to the group, through a
> usenet vote, the proposal is being killed  because the current
> moderator  does not consent it.

That's between you and the moderator. I couldn't care less. Ofcourse I find it
funny that some of the proponents want to shove their opinions on talking
about religion+politics etc in srh down other people's throats and then talk
about democracy in the USENET. A case of the pot calling the kettle black, I'd

Two monks were arguing about a flag. One said, "The flag is moving." The other
said, "The wind is moving." The sixth patriarch happened to be passing by. He
told them, "Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving." - The Gateless Gate

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