Info : SRH and Politics : Charter Shows the Way
Since some have decided to question every post that is ever made I
believe that it would be useful to the general readership. All the
articles that are consistent with the moderation policy. Please also see
the highlighted note on political articles in the original charter.
Hindu dharma (religious philosophy and way of life) is followed by over
650 million people in the world. Prominent among its teaching are the
acceptance of various religious paths, and the sprit of universal family.
Although there is soc.religion.eastern, soc.religion.hindu will be
different. It will be the forum to discuss various Hindu docterines as
they are applicable to day to day living. Unlike soc.religion.eastern, it
will also be used as a forum to discuss various issues that affect Hindus
living around the world. These issues include, environmental awareness
from the Hindu perspective, war and peace, human rights and participlation
of Hindus in political process to promote the universal ideals mentioned
above. It will also be used as a forum for cultural news about Hindus
from around the world.
This forum will also be different from soc.culture.indian (sci) because,
sci is more concerned with the issues affecting India, whereas
soc.culture.hindu will be of interest to the people from around the world
who are eager to learn about the Hindu dharma (religious philosophy + way
of life) and culture.
Of course, I am sure that a couple of dozen 100+ lines posts will
follow. But then "Next" or "Skip" key is available to the rest of us.
ajay shah