
Re: SRH "moderation appeals committee" flaws


On Tue, 16 Jul 1996, Ken Stuart wrote:

> Hello,
> >Here are the relevent portions of the post for everyone to judge...
> >
> >>you all your favorite books for beginners.  (Does not have to be on just wicca
> >> or even religion in particular.  Spirituallity books are fine)  
> >
> >...
> >
> >>Religion: (Wiccan, christian, Buddist, etc.  If it is on general spirituality 
> >> just OTHER will be fine)
> >

> You are the one who didn't read the whole post.

I did. Many times.

> Otherwise you wouldn't have missed the following wonderful open-minded
> statement in the post:
> >And no I did not include any christian news groups, 
> >They have their own book!!!! <SMILE>)

Fine, so he does not want Christian books, but mentions "Buddhist" and 
other religious books, including spirituality. Specifically makes a post 
to SRH, and sends a separate message to the moderator.

To me, that is proof enough for accepting the article.

> As someone who is *very* familiar with Wicca philosophy, it is clear that the
> post is simply about gathering reference material from the various bits of
> other religions that have been appropriated in creation of the current
> neo-pagan system.

OK granted.  My purpose is not to judge what someone will do with the 
information once they gather it.  That is upto those who respond.  As 
long as the author requests the information about spirituality from 
different religions, I have no reason to reject his post.


ajay shah

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