
Re: India: A Country of Beggars

Dear Shankarji,

Sankar Jayanarayanan (kartik@Eng.Auburn.EDU) wrote:
: Mukti wrote: 
: > In Article<ghenDuGMCx.BAo@netcom.com>, <kartik@Eng.Auburn.EDU> write:
: >  
: > (deleted)
:  (deleted)
: > 
: > My two cents:
: > One should not under-estimate the value of monetary help. That helps brothers
: > and sisters get educated, helps get sisters married, helps put food on the
: > table and helps keep parents off the streets.
: All the "monetary help" that you have talked about is for *one* family.
: The average amount of money that India loses because of a *single* engineer 
: leaving the country totals about half a million dollars in a span of 35 years 
: (which is how long an engineer works). The money which comes in to help one 
: family pales in comparison.
: > If every Indian in US helps
: > their family (extended family I mean) that IMO is a significant contribution.
: If every Indian in US returns to India and works for the nation, that IMHO
: is a significant contribution.

I do not think that indians working in America should return for
the benefit of the country, to the least they can stop 
the mouth bashing on India. We can help the country in many ways,
not necessarily be in India to help. It is more difficult to get a 
good job in India compared to getting one overseas, so I do not
see any problem if indians migrate to USA or elsewhere for 
their own prospects. Also, I find our affection towards india
increased when we came out of india(I am not generalising it).

: Please: our aim should be to help India as a nation and thus reduce the burden 
: on the "charitable organizations", if you can understand what I mean. It's far 
: better to improve the living condition of the average Indian by actually 
: working in India than to provide paltry sums by way of charity. Do you think the
: man who lives by charity can have any self-respect to speak of?
: More than any other country, India appears to be blessed with charitable 
: organizations. So good for India! 

In my opinion, the problems in India is not lack of money, but
lack of a proper political system, or rather people do not have
the will to choose the right leaders. They are driven by the
petty caste and regional considerations. We have enough resources
to feed our people, enough land to offer shelter to our people,
but we do not have a proper admin. system to do the job efficiently.
If a country like like Singapore which does not have any 
natural resources forge ahead and become a successful economy
starting from nothing, why not we with all the resources and
man power? It is just that we do not have the will to do

: > 
: > An analogy might help - a well-man helping a sick-man by staying healthy and
: > performing whatever healing and nourishing he is able to do instead of getting
: > into the same bed which would result in having two sick men!
: Beautiful! Living in India is equivalent to living with a disease! 
: If you as an Indian have such a cool opinion of India, I can't blame 
: Americans for equating India with a "Mother Teresa day-care center".

The strongest criticisms about India
come from Indians living abroad, who want to go back
and settle in India, but unable to do so for some other
reasons. I have come across americans who inspite of
not being able to get used to living in India, having
admiration about the positive aspects of that country.



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