Re: INFO : Artificial Justification for Info Group
In article <4skjuq$ab8@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Ajay Shah <ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu> wrote:
>After being pointed to the fact that the SRH newsgroup does not have
>enough traffic at this time (average less than 8-10 non-reorg related posts
>per day), it seems that some of the proponents have taken upon themselves
>to increase traffic on SRH....notice 5-9 postings per person per day,
>mostly repetitious, generating a set of responses.
After being pointed out that the SRH newsgroup does not have enough
traffic at this time, I asked for examples of any moderated group with
the same conditions that has "enough traffic." The "enough traffic"
is a purely chimerical argument.
>I hope that the intelegent readers of this newsgroup will use the "Skip"
>or "Next" key and keep reading the useful material, seeing through this
>little trick, in addition to personal vendetta, petty politics and
>repetitious posts.
Please. I for one will hope that you will cease and desist your
claims of vendetta, etc., and contribute usefully.
And tell me, why did you title this thread "INFO"? It's not an
informational posting you made; even assuming you were telling the
truth, the facts you were trying to convey would have been
self-evident. Perhaps it would be better to create a new header tag
for ad hominem attacks, and post such articles under it.
Shrisha Rao
>ajay shah