


	Narender P. Reddy, Ph.D.
	"Asmath Gurubhyo Namaha"
	"Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha"
     We can talk about the God for several lifetimes, but we will still 
have much more to talk about.  Nevertheless, let us see who this God is 
and what his plight is.

Who is the God?

     Narayana, the Parama Purusha or the supreme Godhead was alone in the 
beginning in Vaikunta, the permanent abode (Nitya Vibhuthi).  He created 
the Leela Vibhuthi (his playground) from a minute part of his body.  From 
Him came the Maha Vishnu who is in a trance, creating, maintaining, and 
destroying thousands of universes (Brahmandas) in this Leela Vibhuthi.  
During the time span of one eye blink of Maha Vishnu, several universes 
appear and dissolve.  In each  universe, he enters as Narayana.  From his 
navel came our Brahma.  The God then instructed Brahma to create various 
beings in various lokas including the creation of life in an evolutionary 
manner on the Earth. These beings are driven by Athmas (Souls) derived 
from him.  This entire creation constitutes only a minute part of his 
existence, and he is still intact in his original form.  The God exists 
in five major forms at the same time:

1. His original form (as Sriman Narayana or Para Vasudeva) in the Nithya 
2. Vyuha Avatharam: Sankarshana, Anirudha, etc.in each universe
3. Vibhava Avatharam: Rama, Krishna, etc. (incarnations)
4. Antharyami Avatharam: Inside all things
5. Archa Avatharam: Deity Incarnation (Venkateshwara, etc.)

He is everywhere and in everything, even in our Athma (soul); Therefore, 
he owns everything.

What is His Plight?

     He wants to give us the permanant pleasure.  But, we want to be 
drowned in this ocean of samsara which is full of misery. He took the 
incarnation of a tortoise (Kurma) to show us that He could bear our 
burden of samsara. We often think that he is not approachable and do not 
call for his help.  In order to make it easy for us to reach Him, He 
entered everything and resides in everything including our Athmas. To 
show us that he is every where, He appeared out of a pillar as Narasimha. 
Since we all belong to Him, He wants us to recognize this fact.  Instead, 
from time immemorial, we are running away from Him and thinking that this 
is mine and that is mine even when everything belongs to Him.. He has 
given us the word "Namaha" which means "not mine".  However, we always 
feel every thing as "Mama" or mine.  To remind us that everything belongs 
to Him, he appeared as Vamana and measured the entire universe in one 
step.  Brahma saw His foot reaching His Brahma loka and washed His foot. 
 This water is flowing even today as the sacred river Ganga.  Even then, 
we are always engaged in selfish activities.  

     He created the dharma (order) and wanted us to live by this order; 
however, we ignored it.  He appeared as Rama, practiced dharma and showed 
us how to live as a human being.  Even then, we never think of Him.  
Instead, we want to read other worldly (often junk) stories.  He then 
appeared as Krishna and played various leelas or past times such that we 
could think about and get immersed in his beautiful deeds; however, we 
still neglect Him.  Although He is in every being, we do not want to look 
inward to see Him.  Therefore, He appeared as Venkateswara (swayambhu, or 
self born, Archavathara).  If we break down the word Venkateswara, we can 
see the actual meaning:  "Ven" mean sin, "Kata" means burn, and "Iswara" 
means controller.  Thus, He is the controller of everyone, and can remove 
their sins. Also, He controls those who claim to remove sins.  In 
Tirupati, He is pointing his right hand towards His feet instructing us 
to take shelter at His lotus feet.  He points his left hand to his navel 
indicating that  the ocean of Samsara will not be deep enough to drown 
us; Then, we can easily cross (transcend) to the spiritual world 
(Vaikunta).  To make it even easier, He appeared as the Archa Murthi in 
various temples.  The infinite God has taken a limited form just to gain 
our recognition; He has appeared as Archa murthy in our homes.
     When he takes the form of Archa Avathara, he has the same potency as 
he has in Vaikunta.  As described in the shloka from the Isha Upanishad 
"Purnamadha purnamidam . . . ."  That is complete (He in Vaikunta has 
full potency), and this is complete (Archa Murthy also has complete 
potency).  He is a reservoir of pleasure, and a reservoir of daya 
(forgiveness, mercy).  When this reservoir of pleasure and infinite 
potency is near us, we are going after temporary pleasures.  

    Since we are reluctant to recognize his Archavathara form, He has 
eneterd his own name. He is ready to destroy papam (sin) even if you take 
his name. If you are tired of taking one name, inorder to facilitate your 
chanting his name, He has taken thousand names as described in the Vishnu 
Sahasra-namam and another thousand names as described in Venkateswara 
shasra-namam. Each of these names has a meaning. For instance Vishnu 
means all pervading, Hari means the stealer of sins (Hari harhati 
papani), Krishna means reservoir of pleasure.
     His energy and concert, the mother Lakshmi, the reservoir of Daya, 
has assumed three forms for our sake: 1. Shree Devi,  2. Bhu Devi , and  
3. Neela Devi, to remind Him to forgive our sins and deliver us from 

     Since the Vedas are difficult to follow, he has instructed Vyasa, 
through Narada, to write eighteen puranas (important historical stories 
about Him and His creation), six for the Sathviks (those in the mode of 
goodness), six for the Rajasiks (those in the mode of passion and 
desire), and six for the Thamasiks (those in the mode of ignorance).   

     Although the God, Sriman Narayana (Para Vasudeva or Krishna), is 
infinite and has everything, he is taking so many incarnations just for 
our sake.  His plight is to give us pleasure, but we are running away.

Do We Need Any Qualification to approach Him ?
     There is no need of any qualification to approach him.  He is ever 
read to help us.  For example, see the story of Druva, a five year old 
boy, or of Prahalada, the child devotee, or of Draupadhi, who was in 
soiled clothes, or of Gajendra, the elephant.  All we need is to 
recognize Him.  When we recognize his Kalyana Gunas and recognize our 
relationship with Him, we will take shelter at his lotus feet.  He is 
near to those who recognize (believe) Him and far to those who ignore 

What Should You Do?

 Don't be under the influence of the ten headed Ravana (the mind with 
five inner and five outer senses). Seek Rama!  Think of the God each day 
at least for few minutes.  Chant his names.  Also, perhaps, offer a 
flower at his feet.  By doing this diligently, you will take the first 
step at trying to attain a better understanding about the spiritual 
Narender P. Reddy, Ph.D.

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