Re: ARTICLE : Who decided that all vaishnavs are not hindus?
In article <4t4h9h$bu0@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, Ccdsdg <ccdsdg@aol.com> wrote:
Namaste to you too.
>Well you seem to be standing on some wrong idea that seems to be
>indicating that you have seen somewhere in Bhagavatam the word 'hindu'.
>Name of Visnu is there in
>the Vedas and that means that Vaisnavas are also bona fide in the same way
>and as long as Vedas are accepted as original scripture of a mankind
>Vaisnavas who are worshipers of Visnu are not 'muslims' or 'jews' or of
>any of other so-called dhama.
Are you implying that vaishnavs are not hindus at all? We can discuss
that, but what is your logic in claiming that some vaishnavs are hindus,
and some are not. Logically, either all vaishnavs are hindus, or none
of vaishnavs are hindus. Can you tell what is your view before we
>The term 'hindu' however came much later in the historical contex of
>muslims having a different dharma. So the reason for your seemingly
>difficult question is that devotees of
>Vishnu sometimes do protest if they are labeled as 'hindu' as it sets
>a wrong historical and philosophical angle of vision.
>However they are actually hindu, as pure principles of hindu dharma are
>not different from the Vaisnava and Vedas.
Then you accept that all vaishnavs are actually hindus. I fully
endorse that.
>Also important to understand that Visnu Himself is far beyond the category
>hindu. 'Hindu' is the word for a phenomenon of the temporarly social
>realm. Anyhow God doesn't fit in the national frame.
Could you elaborate what you mean? Does Hindu fit in a national frame?
I am in Canada, so am I not a Hindu?
>Why should you put Visnu under the category of 'hindu deity' or 'non-hindu
For the simple reason that nobody other than a Hindu will accept Visnu
as Godhead.
>Isn't it said in Bhagavatam that Visnu is Adhoksadja or transcendental to
>all this social and historical definitions?
So say all other religions about their Gods, but I don't accept their
claims. The discussion is not about Gods, but about the mortals. The
question is whether vaishnavs are Hindu or not. I have not seen any
evidence that proves that there could be vaishnavs who are not hindu.
>Hope this find you well.
>Chaitanya Chandrodaya Das