Re: ARTICLE : Who decided that all vaishnavs are not hindus
In article <ghenDv4vtp.JyM@netcom.com>, Shrisha Rao <shrao@nyx.net> wrote:
>How does it follow logically that either all Vaishnavas are Hindus, or
>else none are? What is the inference rule used here, and what is the
>basis for it? Does it similarly follow that all Vaishnavas are
>left-handers, or else none are?
It is like this. Either you are a human or a monkey, you can not be
both at the same time.
We have a situation here that some of the vaishnavs are not hindus.
Can you tell me the difference between vaishnav hindus, and so-called
non-vaishnav hindus. If there is no difference, then all vaishnavs must
be either hindu or non-hindu. Frankly I don't see any difference.
Now please explain in detail what is the difference between hindu and
non-hindu vaishnavs, so that we can make a reasonable arguement.