
Re: INFO : (was. Faith & Healing)

jackphel@ix.netcom.com (Jack Phelan ) writes:

>In <4r8u94$3da@babbage.ece.uc.edu> gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu
>(Giri) writes: 
>>right now, but that may change with time and new evidence. Hence
>>of things like avatars to an imperfect science is not only dangerous
>>may look foolish in the long run.

>If I may just add, changing the temperature of one's hand is not Yoga,
>sleeping on a bed of nails is not Yoga, changing your heart's pulse is
>not Yoga, and changing a person's consciousness to something that can
>be measured on a machine is not Yoga. Yoga is measureless, beyond the
>senses, beyond birth and death. Yoga is, precisely, to get rid of all
>the human measurements. All this stuff with "supersensonics?" and other
>age-old gimmicks are just new versions of the same old distortions and
>popularizations of Yoga. It is just another vogue and in a few years or
>a few months, everyone will be running after some other popular idea of
>the day. But the essence of Yoga can never be discovered by a machine

	While I agree with the sentiments expressed above, please read
others posts on this thread by me and Rama (rbalasub) and Vivek etc. 
As Rama pointed out, this type of experiments are needed only to prove
to people that there is something which science can not explain and all
of this is possible.  Further as he pointed out clearly, these
type of experiments are meant only for those who believe in science *only*.
	If you think Swami Rama (mentioned in the above experiments) and
Sri Chinmoy (who supposedly lifted a 3000 kg. weight on his shoulder)
are all misguided in doing this to enhance the awareness of people who
believe science explains everything, then so be it. 
	Though the essence of Yoga can not be discovered by machines,
the purpose of this is to prove that the yoga is not something which
has been written and explained by fools or schinzophrenics (as it has
been often claimed). Though the siddhis in yoga may indeed be an 
obstacle to realization, no scientist would believe that these siddhis are
ever possible. Therefore people who exhibit siddhis can be studied.
I am well aware that those who exhibit siddhis need not be enlightened,
and those who are self-realized need to exhibit some siddhis. My point
is to give the benefit of doubt that siddhis are indeed possible.
Don't claim that siddhis don't form a part of Yoga, in which case Patanjali
wouldn't have written a chapter on siddhis in his yoga suutras. 
You can of course claim that Patanjali was not a Hindu, but a yogi.

>or given to someone who has not earned it. 

	Who determines who has earned it ? Only the Guru. Ramakrishna 
raised the consciousness of Vivekananda atleast once (or so it is
believed). Therefore even if a disciple is unworthy and believes in
concepts like science can explain everything, there is indeed hope for
salvation by the help of Guru. And, incidentally, today is guru poornima.


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