
ARTICLE : Jews want miracles, Greeks want wisdom...

Dear Friends:

Every society evolve its orientations.  As newer leaders press their 
ideas on society, society tries to accomodates them.  How was our society 
in the old days and how is it today?  

Sri Aurobindo has written some on this subject.  There is an important 
difference between the way disagreements were settled in the old days and 
the way they are now.  That is, in the old days, war was more 
frequently considered to be the only way out for settling disputes; 
today, we like to try negotiations first. But war exposes people to 
large-scale death. In the old days, the leaders of the society devoloped 
a structure that was designed to protect the majority of the people from 
having to go to battlefield, by giving a specialized group of people the 
responsibility of fighting for them.  Actually many societies followed 
this structure; thus we had the kshtriyas, the Japanese had the samurais, 
the British had the knights.  A structured society helped develop various 
skills that specialization allowed them to do.  Despite its blemishes, 
this structure proved quite successful.

Today, everybody is expected to be proficient in every possible human 
activity, because our leaders chose not to follow the old ways but enforce 
a new structural model for society where everybody is expected to be 
proficient in everything.  This way can only generate a culture of 
mediocrity, that we have now.  The question is: does this current system 
is the way for us? Can it sustain our society?

I feel that we would be enormously better off with specialization, 
because of the enormous human wealth we possess. We simply do not have 
the same need of small societies that must make their citizens proficient 
in all walks of life.

In this respect, it would be benficial for us to look at the old Vedic 
society, when people of all profession groups were valued members of the 
social fabric and they generally enjoyed the recognition they deserved.  
We of course, do not need the political caste system that is with us now.

But that is for the leadership to attain. As citizens, we have another 
issue to contend with, how do we define ourselves?  If we generally 
ignore our past experiences, as we do now, we will be forever trying to 
reinvent the wheel.  A recent example is the article called 'the two 
faces of Goddess' that Ashokji forwarded to SRH.  That article reflected 
almost nothing that Scriptures say about Divine Mother, or how the Sages 
have described the experience of Her grace. As Hindus, we must press that 
at least some of our authors are true to the Scriptures.

With best regards,


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