Talks by Yoga Shiromani Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in CA
An Evening of Awakening:
Wisdom, Grace, Healing, Blissful Singing, and a Glimpse of Eternity
in the presence of
Yoga Shiromani Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
All are invited to experience the peace, love, laughter and wisdom
July 8 Los Angeles Call 310-473-5142
July 9 Oakland Holy Names College 8 pm 510-530-5464
July 10 Palo Alto SantaClara Convention Center 8 pm 408-667-2398
July 11 Monterrey The Hyatt 7 pm 408-758-9646
July 13 Los Angeles Call 408-667-2398
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a rare combination of wisdom and joy. Through
his programs, thousands from all backgrounds and traditions have come
to a deeper understanding of themselves and have experienced a
profound transformation in their lives. He has inspired numerous
charitable and education organizations throughout the world, and his
Art of living courses are enjoyed on six continents in more than
70 countries.
Born to an eminent family in South India, at the age of 4 he
surprised his parents by spontaneously reciting the entire
Bhagavad-Gita. He began his studies in traditional Indian literature
at age 8 and before he was 17 had completed his education in both
modern science and Vedic studies. In 1982 the first Art of Living
Healing Breath Workshop was held, which brought out ancient sciences
to suit the present-day life. In 1986, the President of India
presented him with the title Yoga Shiromani (Supreme Teacher of Union
with the Self)
In his presence, one experiences a profound silence that is beyond
words. Joy, Love, Playfulness, Poetry, Deep wisdom and a twinkle of
mischief have all come together as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Visit : www.artofliving.org
Love is not just an emotion, It is your very existence.
-- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar