
Re: Status on RFD on reorganization of Soc.Religion.Hindu

In the article <ghenDu9s2A.147@netcom.com>,
of Tue, 9 Jul 1996 09:37:22 UTC,
Global Hindu Electronic Network <ghen@netcom.com> wrote:
> Namaskar,
> . . .
> GHEN provides free web space to  *any* Hindu
> organization as a service to community, and many
> postings offering this service have appeared on
> newsgroups. Currently, the organizations utilizing
> this service include e.g., to Mata Amritananda Mayi
> Center, [proposed] American Gita Society, American
> Vedic Institute [site under preparation], Sanskrit
> Bharati, mirror to jaguar site, [proposed] Yoga
> Institute, etc.  GHEN also offers mail re-direction
> to some Hindu organization.  GHEN gets noting in
> return.  That is the nature of selfless service in
> Hindu dharma, and GHEN offers it. . . .
> regards,
> ajay shah  ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu


Please accept this expression of admiration for GHEN's
public service to the community.

Dhanyavaad for helping the American Gita Society in the
Prachaar of the Bhagavad-Gita.

I have appended the aims and objectives of the AGS below
for the benefit of those readers who are unfamiliar with
the society.

 Jai Maharaj                     *-=Om Shanti=-*
%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%  American Gita Society  %:%:%

=== Aims and Objectives of the American Gita Society ====


The American Gita Society (AGS) was formed in 1988, to
enlighten and serve the humanity through the medium of
the Gita.  It is a registered, non-profit, tax-exempt,
religious institution in the United States of America
and the State of California.

Its Aims and Objectives are:

1.  To publish the Gita in English and other languages
and distribute it at a very nominal subsidized cost, and
put Gitas free of charge in libraries, hotels, and
motels all over the world, starting from India and the
USA, similar to what the American Bible Society does for
the Bible all over the world.

2.  To Spread the basic Non-sectarian Universal
Teachings of Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita and other Vedic
scriptures in an easy to understand language for the
common people by forming local chapters of the Society
such as "The Gita Society International."

3.  To provide inspiration, help, and guidance in
establishing Gita Study and Discussion (Satsang) Groups
in the neighborhoods, and provide free Gita
correspondence course to the youth, students, busy
executives and all other interested persons.

4.  To provide cooperation and financial support to
persons and non-profit organizations engaged in the
study and propagation of the Vedic knowledge by
arranging lectures, seminars, and short courses on
meditation, yoga, and metaphysical sciences.

5.  To break the barriers between faiths, and establish
unity of races, religions, castes, and creeds through
the immortal Non-sectarian teachings of the Vedas,
Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, as well as other major world
scriptures such as the Dhammapada, the Bible, and the

Amercian Gita Society       Internet:  gitaprasad@aol.com

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