
Re: India: A Country of Beggars

: 	I understand the concern you express regarding literacy rates in 
: India, however, I suggest that you are ignoring the real issue. That is, 
: pressures from both international lending agencies and governmental 
: lenders have forced the government to consider areas other than education 
: to develop its economy.
: If you are interested in helping the 
: situation, then you should advocate to your government and international 
: investors that they stop pressuring the Indian government to fulfill 
: their needs and allow it to concentrate its efforts upon the peoples' needs. 
: Insulting people will not help you in achieving your stated goal of 
: increased literacy in India. So, with all due respect, lay off.

I apologize for any insult received - it was not intended.  Literacy is
paramount for a country and for individuals to develop, but I agree that
industrial development is equally important.  Commercial development in
India will help it keep its greatest resource - its people - and stop the
requisite sending of them to other countries for education.

Please don't take what I'm writing the wrong way, I love Indian people.
But its counter productive to send Indian citizens to foreign countries
for an education, which can only be utilized in those foreign countries.
Then, unfortunately, many of those people, after receiving government
scholarships, either are obligated (de facto) or choose to reside in the
country where they got their education.

Education is paramount, but industrial development is nearly as important.



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