Re: ARTICLE : Chandi Maa
This may not be 100% correct, but I recall when reading about Durga, the
goddess, her name meant "difficult to overcome". I hope this is useful.
: > : In the Sanskrit language Durgam means Confusion,
: > : and Durga takes away confusion.
: > Doesn't "durga" imply fort in Samskrit. That makes
: > DurgA someone with a lot of strength, since the
: > allusion is to "fort" which is actually a symbol of
: > power and strength.
: > And since you cannot get inside a "durga" easily,
: > so "durgam" implies a sense of "difficultiness".
: > So some forests are "durgam" since it is not easy
: > to access them.
: > If I am correct, then Swami_ji's observations are
: > not all that accurate.
: Actually the vedic meaning of durgaa is difficulty. In the durgaa suuktam
: (found in the mahanaaraayaNa upanishhad.h) agni is entreated to help the
: reciter to get over "durgaaNi". Difficulty makes more sense than fort here:-).
: Actually sayana (13th century?) interprets it as "difficulty". The word durgaa
: to mean fort may be in the non-vedic literature (due to the difficulty of
: penetrating a fort, perhaps).