ARTICLE : Disruption on SRH
I represent one of the silent majority on SRH. Ever since I first
"discovered" this site in April 1996, I have enjoyed reading a number of
articles - some which come to my mind immediately are the discourses on the
Bhagwad Gita (Gita Sandesh), discussions regarding the Gayatri Mantra and
the Vedas.
However, of late, I am sick and tired of people who are trying to turn this
great forum into a political battlefield to "settle scores" with the current
moderation team. Quite frankly, I must admit that Mr. Vivek Sadanand Pai and
Mr. Sishir occupy the top of this list.
I fail to understand why such people keep on bringing up the issue of SRH
re-organization, Vaishnavas as Hindus or non- Hindus, ISKON followers as
Hindus or non-Hindus - all DISRUPTIVE and DIVISIVE issues.
I fail to understand why the current moderation team doesn't trash messages
alleging that moderators are hand picked !!! Such messages should be
confined to dustbins.
As for Mr. Vivek Sadanand Pai allegations regarding my personal
contribution, here are the statistics from my "Sent Box" ::
Total articles contributed since mid-April - 9 ( 2 main articles, 5
rejoinders to people who replied to my main articles and 2 articles to
people who want to disrupt proceedings on SRH ) - article addressed to Mr.
Pai on SRH to stop playing "VENDETTA POLITICS on SRH " included.
I like reading the articles on SRH because they sharpen my understanding of
THE HINDU DHARMA; of late, however Mr. Pai and Mr. Sishir's articles on SRH
would sharpen the understanding of people who would like to "PLAY VENDETTA
My request to such people, yet once again::
Don't bring in your DIRTY POLITICS on SRH under the guise of "improving SRH
". Please don't try to fool others on this forum into believing that you are
trying to improve SRH - even a school boy can "see through your game of
deceit and politics."
Bottom line of my message - Let the current moderation team do their job on
SRH and don't turn a religious forum into a "political one".