
Re: ARTICLE : SRH Reorganization

In article <ghenDw7C3q.F43@netcom.com>,
Global Hindu Electronic Network <ghen@netcom.com> wrote:
>Vivek Sadananda Pai (vivek@cs.rice.edu) wrote:
>: In article <ghenDw56qM.CFn@netcom.com>,
>: Global Hindu Electronic Network <ghen@netcom.com> wrote:
>: >So do you support the immoral censorship and spaming acts in SRV by these 
>: >proponents of SRH reorganization?  Perhaps you'd like to comment upon 
>: >what has happened in SRV?
>: Before you make these sorts of claims, Mr. Shah, please get your facts
>: straight. 
>Vivekji, I do have my facts straight.  I will ignore rest of your irrelevent 
>personal attacks and innuendos.

Mr. Shah, if you wish to claim that your facts are straight, please
note that your accusations of spamming SRV are off-base. Badri has not
made the claim you make, and you can check with him if you don't
believe it.

Now, if you made a simple mistake in claiming that the SRH reorg
proponents were behind the spamming, then I'll let the matter drop,
but if you want to make an accusation, then please go ahead and prove
it, or else you are the one with the personal attacks in innuendos.

>Hopefully, he like most of the people will also be finally convinced that
>the SRH re-org move is mean spirited petty politics and personal
>vendetta against the current moderator of SRH (me) who stood up for the word
>*Hindu* in the name of the Vaishnava newsgroup. 

Actually, Mr. Shah, perhaps he'll wonder why it is that you've
suddenly started asking questions about SRV and are not willing to
answer the same questions regarding SRH. Those questions from my
previous post still haven't been answered by you. So, before you ask
what censorship is going on, please tell us about the censorship on
SRH. Before you ask if SRV's charter is being overturned, please tell
us why you've unilaterally created clauses not in the SRH charter.
And finally, if you wish to keep claiming censorship, then please be
kind enough to allow those same articles on SRH at the same rate they
were being sent to SRV.

However, it's good to see that you haven't retired that "petty
politics and personal vendetta" claim, because after all, without it,
you'd actually have to answer some of the questions you keep cutting
out of my posts when you reply to them.


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