
Re: HELP: Vedanta Center in Chicago

: I'd appreciate it if anyone could mail me some info about the
: Vivekandanda Vedanta Center in Chicago.
: WHat hours is it open, is there a time for vespers/prayers ,
: any spritirual retreats etc.??
: Would appreciate any help.

I just called the operator to get the Chicago area code and then called
their information to get the number.  I always call during mid-day, and
have always gotten a person.  There was even someone there on Memorial Day

I'm sure there are various "services".  I think the New York Center sent
me a newsletter with the schedule on it; it sure looked like a newsletter.
The more local Maryland Center does have retreats and seminars.
In fact, one is coming up on Labor Day weekend.  (I can get you a phone
number if you want.)  They also frequently hold a puja in October.  They
also have classes and discussions on the Bhagvad-Gita, the Gospel, and
other Pujas.  I can get the swami's name also, but will probably mis-spell



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