Announcement : "MOTHER HEART OF THE UNIVERSE" Retreat For Women
To: ghen@netcom.com
Subject: Announcement : "MOTHER HEART OF THE UNIVERSE" Retreat For Women
From: jayanti@slctnet.com (Jayanti/Pam Hoye)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 18:54:21 -0700
A One-Day Retreat For Women
Saturday, September 21st
At the Ridgely Estate in Stone Ridge, NY
Registration is still being accepted for this one-day women's seminar to be
conducted by Pravrajika Vivekaprana of Sri Sarada Math, India. Pr.
Vivekaprana, presently touring the US and Canada under the sponsorship of
Sr Sarada Society, was an highly acclaimed speaker at the Parliament of the
World's religions in Chicago in 1993. She has keen insight into the dilemas
facing us and presents Vedantic solutions with great power and clarity.
The Ridgely estate, 85 acres in unstate NY is associated with Swami
Vivekananda, who stayed there on three visits, twice in 1895, and for
ten-weeks in 1899. Efforts are underway to raise $1.6 million to purchase
and preserve Ridgely as a place of pilgrimage and retreat.
The object of this day-long is to explore the role of women as
Teacher-Mothers of the world. The working definition of mother will be
"women consciously giving with compassion and without conditions." Emphasis
falls on consciously as it signifies spiritual awareness.
The program will begin with a talk by Vivekapranaji on "Swamiji's Charge to
the Women of the World: Its Implementation." In response to a devotee's
letter asking what Swamiji expected of women, Pr. Vivekaprana wrote:
...The women of the world have been producing physical children and becoming
mothers, but they have not mothered a very nice world. Mainly because it has
been an instinctive job made to perpetuate the species. The time has
when women will have to become great Mother-teachers, Rishis, so that
humanity can get its, real purpose back, i.e., become human first and then
divine. How will the women do it? They have to wake up and become divinely
inspired so that they can pass it on.
Various speakers will present short talks on the manifestation of the
teacher-mother role in the lives of women saints throughout the ages and
from various traditions. The day will conclude with an oppurtunity for
participants to reflect on their lives and how might they manifest a
teacher-mother role in today's world.
Retreat includes a picnic lunch on the Ridgely grounds. A $45 registration
donation is suggested.
To register for the seminar contact Sri Sarada Society via phone, fax or
e-mail. If travelling from out-of-state, local accomodations can be
arranged through the Society.
How To Reach Us
Phone or Fax: (518) 767-2546 Messages: (518) 767-3532
E-mail: srisarada@aol.com Worldwide Web: http://scescape.com/saradama/
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