Re: REQUEST : Need Info on Rudram/Shamakam classes
In article <ghenDwHznu.9Dn@netcom.com>,
"Saikumar Natarajan-ASN001" <Saikumar_Natarajan-ASN001@email.mo wrote:
>Found your Web page very useful. I live in the suburbs of Chicago and
>was wondering whether there are any classes being conducted for
>Rudram/Shamakam. If you have any info, please email them to me.
I believe that the priest in the Shiva/Ganesha Mandir at the HTGC temple in
Lemont teaches a weekly Rudram class. His name is Chandrasekhar Kurukkal.
You can try calling the temple for more information: (708) 972-0300.
Santosh Ramamurthy