Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On attempting to define Hinduism)
To: soc-religion-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On attempting to define Hinduism)
From: dchakrav@netserv.unmc.edu (Dhruba Chakravarti)
Date: 27 Aug 1996 19:34:18 GMT
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: University of Nebraska Medical Center
References: <ghenDwHznC.9A0@netcom.com> <ghenDwLMnu.392@netcom.com> <ghenDwt2DA.MCt@netcom.com>
Jaldhar H. Vyas (jaldhar@braincells.com) wrote:
: So the meaning of the rk is one truth (or one existence)the Brahmans call
: Him by many names. It then goes on to list the many names the Brahmans
: call him. This is nothing more or less than a stuti of which there are
: thousands of examples in the Veda and later texts.
Dear Jaldharji:
Thank you for following up. Sri Aurobindo, whom I truly admire has
indicated this verse as one of the central verse in the RigVeda, not as
you describe 'nothing more than a stuti'. Since this also appears to be a
central theme in the Upanishads (for example, please refer to rishhi
yAGYavalky's explanation of the number of Gods in the brihadAranyaka
Upanishhad), I accept the idea that 'ekam sad' is the central theme of the
: They assume that there is one Hindu religion because they are simply
: unaware of different viewpoints.
You are saying tha different Viewpoints make different religions. This
would be true if religion were a man-made thing, something that social
anthropologists argue. But as you must surely know that in our religion,
it is expressly said that religion is given to us by God.
With best regards,