Re: REQUEST : Shankara's Aatmashtakam
vallabha_gautam <gautam@nskernel.tandem.com> writes:
>Hi Netters. I was trying to find information about the Aatmashtakam,
>and would appreciate it if any of you can help me.
>My query is as follows: All the copies of the Aatmashtakam (also
>called, I believe, the Nirvanashtakam) I can find have six stanzas.
That is correct.
>The version I have is from the ITRANS songbook, found at:
> http://chandra.cis.brown.edu/isongs/sanskrit/sindex.html
Please refer to
This site contains all the slokas mentioned in the above chandra
site and much much more. This should contain most of the sanskrit shlokas
available on the net.
>Now, the "ashtakam" in the name seems to indicate that there are eight
>stanzas. Is the name just misleading, or does the Aatmashtakam
>really have eight stanzas? If it does have eight stanzas, then could
>someone post this version?
>thanks in advance,
there are only six stanzas because it is not an ashhTakam
but a shhaTakam.h
Thus it is nirvanashhaTakam and not nirvanashhTakam. Please
correct me if I am wrong.