
ARTICLE : Bhagavad-gita is the essence of all Vedic knowledge

His Divine Grace A. c> Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad in his introduction
to Bhagavad-gita as it is writes:
"All Vedic knowledge is infallible, and Hindus accept Vedic knowledge to
be complete and infallible. For example, cow dung is the stool of an
animal, and according to smrti, or Vedic injunction, if one toches the
stool of an animal he has to take a bath to purify himself. But in the
Vedic scriptures cow dung is considered to be a purifing agent. One might
consider this to be contradictory, but it is accepted because it is Vedic
injunction, and indeed by accepting this, one will not commit a mistake,
subsequently it has been proved by modern science that cow dung contains
all antiseptic properties. So Vedic knowledge is complete because it is
aabove all doubts and mistakes, and Bhagavad-gita is the essence of all
Vedic knowledge.
Vedic knowledge is not a question of reseach. Our reseach work is
imperfect because we are researching things with imperfect senses. We have
to accept perfect knowledge which comes down, as is stated in Bhagavad
-gita, by parampara (disciplic succession). We have to receive knowledge
from the proper source in disciplic succession beginning with the supreme
spiritual master, the Lord Himself, and handed down to a succession of
spiritual masters. Arjuna, the student who took lessons from Lord Sri
Krsna, accepts everything that He says without contradicting Him. One is
not allowed to accept one portion of Bhagavad-gita and not another. No, We
must accept Bhagavad-gita without interpretation, without deletion and
without our own whimsical participation in the matter. The Gita should be
taken as the most perfect presentation of Vedic knowledge. Vedic knowledge
is received from transcendental sourcces, and the first words were spoken
by the Lord Himself. The words spoken by the Lord are called apauruseya,
meaning that they are different from words spoken by a person of the
mundane world who is infected with four defects. A mundaner (1) is sure to
commit mistakes, (2) is invariably illusioned, (3) has the tendency to
cheat others and (4) is limited by imperfect senses. With these four
imperfections, one cannot deliver perfect information of all-pervading
Now from what we have read it is obvious that Moslims have nothing to
offer to Hindus. The folloers of the Vedas were already graduates in
spiritual science thousands of years ahead of them. My conclusion is the
Quran as was revealed to illeterates and uncivilized tribes of Arabia
contained the elementary codes or the basics specially it did not give any
answers the fundementals of spiritual secience like :
1)0 Who is Allah as the word Allah is not a name but "lafz aljallala" and
the its root comes from "Illah" or god .
2) What is He? It is forbeden question.
3)What is spirit? Allah refused to explain it!
4)why the earth was created before the sun!!!!
5) what is destiny? and how it function?
6) what are the angels? Are they higher or lower than humans?
7) Is Allah seperate from His creation or not? 
While from the Vedas we learn about every single detail 
in Islam it was left to the scholars to speculate and thus the mess.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupad
All Glories to All the Vaisnavas who are like desire trees.
Hari bol.

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