
ARTICLE : Sikh Contribution to the Freedom Struggle of India

Sikh Contribution to the Freedom Struggle of India

Punishment suffered		SIKHS	NON-SIKHS	TOTAL

Hanged				93	28		121
Imprisoned for life		2147	499		2646
Killed at Jallianwala Bagh	799	501		1300
Killed at Budge Budge Ghat	67	46		113
Killed in Kooka Movement	91	- - - 		91
Killed in Akali Movement	500	- - -		500

TOTAL				3697	1074		4771

Sikhs comprised 1.6 % of the population of undivided India.

   1.Statistics furnished by Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad as President of the
	Indian National Congress. 
   2.60 % of the officers and soldiers who joined the Indian National Army
	were Sikhs.

Taken from http://www.khalistan.net

When the garden ( country ) needed blood

     We slit our neck, first of all

     Even then our compatriots tell us

     This is their land and not for us 

     How long shall we in seclusion remain ! 

     Were it a question of flowers few 

     We could have suffered that much too

     But not even thorns can we now claim. 

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