Re: ARTICLE : Test of a philosophy (Was Re: Biased...)
> But it's definitely not correct to brand, in general, a philosophy as
> accurate" just because it follows some "age-old" principles.
(i) If philsophies such as those espoused in the vedas and SBG are complete and
accurate then there is not need to add any thing to them or update them.
These philosphies will remain invariant thru time. Any add on is a
(ii) If those philosophies need to be updated with the times then it implies
that they are incomplete atleast at those times when they are updated (contra
(iii) Certainly just because there is some age-old priciple that is
followed (with reference to the passage of time) that does not imply
that it is accurate. If there is a age-old priciple taken from a
document that is philosphically complete then it follows that the principle
is accurate because if it were not then the document cannot be complete.
It may be that we need different interpretations of the stuff in these
documents or someone to explain the meaning to us (but that is a result
of our ignorance and incapability to understand not because these philosphies
are incomplete).
Balasubramaniam santhanam
Center for Signal and Image Processing
Georgia Tech , Atlanta, GA 30332.
email : santhan@eedsp.gatech.edu
WWW : http://www.ece.gatech.edu/users/santhan