Re: REQUEST : Question about Rishi's
(i) It may be a matter a theoretical matter to say that they are
supposed to have conquered their senses and that all we have to
do to obtain salvation is to give up desire, but even the sage
Vishwamitra had to go thru so much trouble to attain that Brahma rishi
level. Point is that every Jiva born on this earth is subject
to temptation of the flesh and jitter of his/her senses.
(ii) Even if you were a realized soul you cannot not perform your
Karma. If that is what the Parmatma has in store for you then that
is what you do. Point is the Lord may have a purpose for those
actions also.
Balasubramaniam santhanam
Center for Signal and Image Processing
Georgia Tech , Atlanta, GA 30332.
email : 1) santhan@eedsp.gatech.edu
: 2) gt5980a@acme.gatech.edu
PO BOX : 35980
WWW : http://www.ece.gatech.edu/users/santhan